
About ‘recipesaresimple.com
Recipesaresimple.com   –    Recipes Are Simple / Recipes ‘R’ Simple 

Puttering around in ones kitchen is a source of great satisfaction.

Cooking is fun.  If you do it with passion it can be therapeutic. 


Imagine if the First Humans had never shared recipes, How would mankind have evolved? I love new and interesting recipes. Please share your recipes with us through the ‘Share Recipes’ Page.
We owe it to generations before us for handing down recipes on which we are able to experiment and develop our own creations. Recipes ‘R’ Simple strives to keep this tradition alive and kicking.


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A carefully executed dish will reap great rewards.

The sheer look of satisfaction

The welcome request for seconds

The occasional compliment



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shana 300x300 About About Me

Hi, I am Shana. I welcome you into my kitchen, the place I love to hang around the most!

I started to develop a love for cooking when I was in 3rd grade, and started baking all sorts of cookies and cakes. I began taking down recipes in a notebook  AND I still have that notebook!

As I grew older and followed books and later online recipes, I found great recipes that provided great results and I also came across so so many recipes that just did not deliver, even if followed precisely.

I began to write down things that worked, noting down exact measures of ingredients and brands of products I used. My aim is to provide recipes that work every time…

I was born and raised in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I spent half my life in this lovely country. Although we lived in the Middle East, and I loved Middle East food, I spent my life amidst a mostly, Western  / American community and multicultural society, so my taste for Western, Continental cuisines started quite early.

Ever since I got married I have lived in Singapore, so my adult life has been here and I fell in love with yet again a different set of cultural cuisines. After marriage, I would experiment daily with all kinds of dishes. I also developed a love for my traditional and native Kerala food. I try everything! And when I like something, I will go at it till I have my own perfected recipe. My hobby is to disect a dish and figure out all the ingredients that have gone into the dish and exactly how it is made.

So here on Recipes are Simple, you will find everything that I love. From Western , to Arabian, to Indian , to Asian.

I have a wonderful network of friends and family who love to share and experiment with new and classic recipes and I rely on them for new finds and suggestions. I have also travelled specifically to learn certain cuisines and have done various cooking courses.  I have even taught some cooking classes. Friends and especially my dear mom have added to our collection but I have almost always ended up with “my own version”. Now I want to share all that I have learned, one recipe at a time.

Good Things are meant to be shared!

I am committed to my readers and followers to provide the best recipes with correct measurements and accurate details. Since you trust me enough to try my recipes, I strive to deliver only the best. Recipes are tested once, twice and even 3 times to give you the best result, apart from our classics which I have cherished for years and till now have kept as ‘cherished secrets’.

Please feel at home here. Please do leave comments. Love to hear from you.
Cooking done with passion is an Art of Love-      

Add a little love

It will show!!!

On this Site, you will find many Helpful Recipe Videos. These come from my two YouTube Channels.

English – Recipes are Simple  

Malayalam – Shana’s Spices

Most Kerala recipes, will have videos only in Malayalam. If you would like me to make the video in English, let me know. Mail me at re**************@gm***.com